Sahel Medical Journal (Jan 2014)
Inhabitation of an accessory renal artery in a cratered hilum of a malrotated kidney
Structural variations of the kidney and its abnormal vascular architecture make the kidney unsuitable for transplantation. We report here a case of malrotated left kidney with cratered hilum and presence of an accessory renal artery. A lumbar vein was seen to loop under the accessory renal artery on the way of its termination into the left renal vein. The kidney appeared to have failed to rotate from its fetal position. Thus, the hilum was placed ventrally. The hilum was crater-like in shape, wide, and allowed passage of the hilar structures. The shape of the kidney itself had undergone slight modification as it appeared more ovoid than its typical bean shape. The poles, but not the surface or borders were distinguishable. The variations described in the current observation are of a unique pattern of congenital malformation having surgical, urological, and radiological implications.