Ulumuna (Dec 2014)


  • Muhammad Yusuf

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2
pp. 395 – 422


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Calling al-Tirmidhī as mutasāhil is controversial both amongst classical and contemporary Muslim scholars. Some other scholars call him mutashaddid. Such an accusation to him is due to some factors. First, the difference of his Makhtūtat and his al-Jāmi‘ about particular status of ḥadīth. Second, scholars misunderstand about technical terms used by al-Tirmidhī in his work of al-Jāmi‘. Third, al-Tirmidhī elevates the status of ḥadīth ḍa‘īf into ḥasan because of support from other riwāyah of it. Moreover, he also justifīes ḥadīth ḥasan, if supported by other riwāyah, as ḥasan ṣaḥīḥ although this ḥadīth does not reach the status of valid. Forth, the title as tasāhul or tashaddud falls in the field of ijtihād, which may vary from one scholar to another. This means that the title of tasāhul or tashaddud ascribed to al-Tirmidhī may be accepted by some scholars while rejected by others.Abstrak: Pelabelan tasāhul kepada al-Tirmidhī mengundang kontoversi di kalangan ulama baik mutaqaddimīn maupun mutaakhirīn. Bahkan, ada yang menyebutnya sebagai mutashaddid dalam hal tertentu. Setelah menelusuri akar permasalahan dan latar belakang pelabelan itu, ternyata itu dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, perbedaan antara Makhtūtat dan al-Jāmi‘ tentang status hadis tertentu. Kedua, kesalahpahaman terhadap maksud istilah yang digunakan al-Tirmidhī dalam al-Jāmi‘. Ketiga, al-Tirmidhī meng-ḥasan-kan hadis ḍa‘īf, karena adanya riwayat lain yang mendukungnya, dan adakalanya ia menyebut sebuah hadis sebagai ḥasan ṣaḥīḥ meskipun peringkat hadis tersebut tidak mencapai derajat ṣaḥīḥ karena adanya riwayat ṣaḥīḥ lain yang mendukung. Keempat, pelabelan tasāhul atau tashaddud merupakan wilayah ijtihad, maka perbedaan itu sangat memungkinkan terjadinya kontroversi.
