Journal of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Management (Oct 2015)

Priority Setting for Productivity Indices in Iranian Pharmaceutical Companies Introduction

  • Majid Annabi,
  • Abbas Kebriaeezadeh,
  • SeyedNasrolah Marashi-Shoshtari,
  • Shirin Ghodsi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1/2


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Background: Productivity is a key factor in assessing the degree of appropriate use of input. The present study aimed at investigating the effective indices in improving productivity in the production environment of pharmaceutical companies. Materials and Methods: The research method has been descriptive-analytical and applied studies, data was collected through questionnaire from 20 pharmaceutical companies, which were randomly selected. Results: From, among the 506 investigated indices, 46 were found to be the most influential ones in improving production productivity. About 8.7% of these indices belonged to the category of general efficiency, 10.9% were grouped as the financial indices, 41.3% were recognized as production indices, 21.7% belonged to quality indices, and 8.0% included other indices. Conclusion: Based on analyzing the questionnaire data and identifying the effective indices in each category, productivity can be improved in the production environment of pharmaceutical factories through calculating the determined indices in each area and preparing the ground for their improvement.
