Water Practice and Technology (Aug 2022)
TERI Advanced Oxidation Technology (TADOX®) to treat industrial wastewater with integration at pre- and post-biological stage: case studies from India
The current problem with industrial wastewater treatment is that we rely heavily on biological treatment systems without realising that these have severe limitations in terms of shock load-bearing capacities, ineffectiveness against removal of toxicity and recalcitrant and dissolved organics. However, biological systems have their own benefits as well. Therefore, it is essential to support them with integration of advanced oxidation nanotechnology (AON) interventions, which are expected to address these challenges. In this pursuit, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has developed an AON-based wastewater treatment technology called TERI Advanced Oxidation Technology (TADOX®). This paper presents two sections of three case studies each, to showcase how TADOX® technology intervention at pre-biological and post-biological treatment helps in achieving adequate treatment. In the first section, TADOX® has been implemented at pre-biological stage for three highly polluting streams from (i) phenolic wastewater from a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D) plant from a Gujarat pesticide manufacturing company, (ii) phenolic wastewater from an anisole plant of a Gujarat chemical industry, and (iii) hydrocarbon-rich effluent from the Jharkand oil and gas sector. Pre-biological integration is expected to support biological treatment by reduction in COD, toxicity, microbial growth hindering compounds and increase in biodegradability (BOD to COD ratio). The second section in the paper explores the implementation potential of TADOX® to treat biologically treated streams from (i) Uttarakhand pharmaceutical, (ii) Uttar Pradesh tannery and (iii) Uttar Pradesh slaughterhouse. The post-biological integration is expected to remove residual COD, colour, BOD and odour leading to treated water meeting norms for safe surface discharge and water reuse. Presented studies from India may be useful and relevant to other developing countries as a possible approach to sustainably manage water resources, together meeting the challenges of economic growth, industrial development, and regulatory and environmental compliance. HIGHLIGHTS Showcasing how TADOX® technology intervention at Pre-biological and post-biological treatment helps in achieving adequate treatment.; Case studies of pre-biological integration of TADOX® for treating (i) phenolic wastewater, (ii) phenolic wastewater, (iii) oil and gas wastewater.; Case studies of post-biological integration of TADOX® for treating (i) pharmaceutical, (ii) tannery and (iii) slaughterhouse streams.;