Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine (Aug 2020)

A Case Report with Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum, Subcutaneous Emphysema and Pneumorrhachis after Viral Infection

  • Gürbüz Akçay,
  • Ömer Faruk Yalçın,
  • Özmert M. A. Özdemir,
  • Selçuk Yüksel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 97 – 100


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Pneumomediastinum (PM) is defined as having free air in the mediastinum. The term pneumorrachis (PR) defines the presence of air in the spinal canal. There are few cases previously reported in the literature. In this study, we present a 4-year-old boy who developed subcutaneous emphysema during the cough attack due to severe viral respiratory tract infection and who had a PR with PM in the radiological examination and discuss with the related literature.
