Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (Jul 2021)

Kajian Literatur Sistematis Blended Learning dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK

  • Yuanita Aritantia,
  • Supari Muslim,
  • Theodorus Wiyanto Wibowo,
  • Tri Rijanto,
  • Mochamad Cholik

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 178 – 185


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Abstrak: Covid-19 memberikan pengaruh kepada berbagai sektor salah satunya pendidikan. Proses perubahan model pembelajaran dari face to face menjadi daring dan luring maupun kombinasi yang dapat memberikan pengaruh. Siswa mengeluhkan kurangnya interaksi bersama guru sehingga kehilangan motivasi belajar yang dapat menurunkan hasil belajar sehingga perlu alternatif pemecahan masalah tersebut. Karenanya, peneliti meneliti mengenai bagaimana penerapan model blended learning pada siswa SMK serta pengaruhnya menggunakan berbagai media e learning terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar menggunakan metode penelitian kajian literatur sistematis agar nantinya sebagai pertimbangan pelaksanaan blended learning di masa covid 19. Kesimpulannya, model blended learning menggunakan media online e learning Edmodo, LMS Moodle, maupun Google Classroom menghasilkan hasil yang sama yaitu dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Namun, google classroom lebih direkomendasikan. Abstract: Covid-19 has had an impact on various sectors, one of which is education. The process of changing the learning model from face to face to online and offline as well as a combination that can have an impact. Students complain about the lack of interaction with the teacher so that they lose motivation to learn which can reduce learning outcomes so that alternative solutions are needed. Therefore, researchers examined how the application of the blended learning model to vocational students and the effect of using various e-learning media on motivation and learning outcomes using a systematic literature review research method would be used as a consideration for the implementation of blended learning during the covid 19 periods. In conclusion, the blended learning model uses media online e-learning Edmodo, LMS Moodle, and Google Classroom produced the same results, namely increasing student motivation and learning outcomes. However, Google Classroom is more recommended.
