International Journal of Multiphysics (Apr 2016)

Analytical and numerical study of validation test-cases for multi-physic problems: application to magneto-hydro-dynamic

  • D Cébron,
  • J Sigrist

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1


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The present paper is concerned with the numerical simulation of Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) problems with industrial tools. MHD has receivedattention some twenty to thirty years ago as a possible alternative inpropulsion applications; MHD propelled ships have even been designed forthat purpose. However, such propulsion systems have been proved of lowefficiency and fundamental researches in the area have progressivelyreceived much less attention over the past decades. Numerical simulationof MHD problem could however provide interesting solutions in the field ofturbulent flow control. The development of recent efficient numericaltechniques for multi-physic applications provide promising tool for theengineer for that purpose. In the present paper, some elementary testcases in laminar flow with magnetic forcing terms are analysed; equationsof the coupled problem are exposed, analytical solutions are derived ineach case and are compared to numerical solutions obtained with anumerical tool for multi-physic applications. The present work can be seenas a validation of numerical tools (based on the finite element method) foracademic as well as industrial application purposes.