GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung (Aug 2014)
Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung und des Medizinischen Fakultätentags für fakultätsinterne Leistungsnachweise während des Studiums der Human-, Zahn- und Tiermedizin
[english] The practice of assessing student performance in human, dental and veterinary medicine at universities in German-speaking countries has undergone significant changes in the past decade. Turning the focus to practical requirements regarding medical practice during undergraduate study away from an often theory-dominated curriculum, the academic scrutiny of the basics of teaching medical knowledge and skills, and amendments to legislation, all require ongoing adjustments to curricula and the ways in which assessments are done during undergraduate medical education. To establish quality standards, the a consensus in 2008 on recommendations for administering medical school-specific exams which have now been updated and approved by the GMA assessments committee, together with the , as recommendations for the administration of high-quality assessments.