Materials & Design (Feb 2023)
Modeling and characterizing the elastodynamic response of octet-truss lattice structures using resonance techniques
Characterization of additively manufactured materials and structures is an ongoing effort for the advanced manufacturing community. This article will investigate an approach using resonant spectral ultrasound (RUS) to measure the effective elastic constants of an Octet Truss lattice and apply the results to continuum bases models representing the lattice regions in different structures. The study is focused on simple lattices structures fabricated from Ti5553 using a laser powder bed fusion process (LBPF). Solid and lattice samples are measured to determine RUS estimates for the elastic properties of the bulk material and the effective elastic properties of the lattice structure. The estimated elastic properties are then incorporated into 3d finite element models using a continuum approximation of the physical AM parts. Comparisons show good agreement between the experimentally measured eigen frequencies of the Ti5553 LBPF parts and the eigen frequencies calculated using the continuum approximations based on the effective RUS elastic properties. The current results suggest there is additional physics and geometrical effects that are accounted for in the RUS continuum approximation of the lattice that are not captured in the full 3d finite element model of the parts utilizing only the base material properties.