Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Dec 2011)

Extraction and characterization of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) coir dust

  • A. U. Israel1,,
  • R. E. Ogali2,,
  • I.B. Obot1*

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 6
pp. 717 – 724


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Studies were carried out on the characterization and extraction of coconut coir dust using water, acetone, acetone/water (70/30), (50/50) respectively. The acetone extract of the coir dust was phytochemically screened for tannins, polyphenols,flavanoids, phlobatannins. The moisture, ash, lignin, and cellulose contents of the coir dust were determined bymeasuring the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the pH were found to be 2.39 mmol g-1 and 6.4 respectively. The degree ofswelling of coir dust increased with increased solvent contact time. The percentage extract showed the best solvent systemto be acetone/water (70/30). In all the solvent systems, the smaller the particle size of coir dust, the greater the amount ofextract. The phytochemical screening of the acetone extract indicated significant amount of tannins, flavanoids and otherpolyphenols in coir dust.
