Parasite (Sep 2008)
The Nematoda Filarioidea: critical analysis linking molecular and traditional approaches
The molecular analysis of the Filarioidea and the endobacteria Wolbachia is no more limited to the agents of human diseases and the diversified sampling permits a synthesis with the morphological and biological results. The validity of the genera with “uncoherent host range”, such as Mansonella, Litomosoides and Cercopithifilaria, is confirmed and, consequently, their evolution by host-switchings. Dirofilaria and Onchocerca, types of two subfamilies, appear more closely related than with other onchocercids. Waltonellinae from anurans and Oswaldofilariinae from reptiles have a basal position. These filariae, and some others also considered primitive, do not harbour Wolbachia. Evidence for transversal transmission of the bacteria and a second acquisition event is given with the supergroup F, identified in Mansonella, in one of the Cercopithifilaria species and in arthropods.