Physio-Géo (Feb 2010)
Histoire des creusements karstiques et des surfaces d'érosion en Provence occidentale
This work deals a synthetic knowledge about the geodynamic environments and his relations with the speleogenesis mechanisms. Speleogenesis evolution and his relations about an erosive position surface to cretaceous (bauxitic karst), Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Messinian events until Plio-Quaternary times and last Mediterranean sea-levels. The situation of some erosion surfaces in actual submarine situation are observed: Cassidaigne faults, Banks of Blauquieres and Magaud. This work deals the sedimentary sequences filling the caves, speleothems, upthrust and deformations of karstic environments, water circulations and gallery orientations. At last, we make several observations and some field results in relation to the stress directions and constraints applied to the karstic excavations and their sedimentary fillings. Some researchs to the stress directions and constraints applied to karstic excavations and their filling.