Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал (Dec 2012)
Enzymuria at children with nephropathy from developed cement industry region
For the purpose of enzyme morphological syndromes study enzymuria has been revealed in 58 children with nephropathy who live in the zones of cement industry and in 30 children with nephropathy from pure zones. Criteria of enzyme morphological characteristics have been estimated by enzymuria of enzymes: alkaline phosphatase, г-glutamyltransferase, leucine aminopeptidase, lactate dehydrogenase, cholinesterases. Research method of the enzymuria is kinetic by means of analyzers of reaction rate. In urine of children with nephropathy living in region with the cement industry, higher activity of enzymes, in comparison with group of conditionally pure zone, containing in a brush border — GGT in 1,9 times, LAP in 1,6 times, cytoplasmatic enzyme LDG — in 2,3 times has been established authentically. Results. Activity of AP and CE in urine of children of studied groups does not differ authentically. The revealed indicators of enzymuria can be served as markers of damage of proximal tubule of a nephron in children with nephropathy as a result of influence of echopathogen. Direct correlation has been determined between toxic microelements content in urine and biosphere and indicators of enzymuria in children.