Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Sep 2015)
Base on Article 28 G paragraph (1) The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to declare, that every person has the right to protection of self, family, material, dignity, and property under his control, and has the right to feel secure and protection from threats to do or not to do that is a human right. In addition, under Article 20 of act Child Protection to regulate that the State, government, society, family, and the parents are obliged responsible for the implementation of child protection. In article 5 of act on the Elimination of Domestic Violence to declare that every person is prohibited from domestic violence against people in the scope of the household by means of: physical violence; psychological violence; sexual violence; or neglect of household. Based on the reality that exsistence of women and children are the group who are becoming victims of violence. Many factors contribute to the violence against women and children, among which is a factor of a patriarchal culture that is still views women is lower than in men. Another thing is also very influence violence as a false perception of violence which considers that violence as a matter of course, and the rights of the offender. The purpose of research is to determine the authority of local government in providing protection for women and children victims of violence. So, want to know the forms and mechanisms of a given service standards Badung regency administration especially to women and children victims of violence. Specific targets to be achieved is to provide information to the public that is legally local governments have the authority to provide service standards and to determine also whether local governments already have a minimum service standards and other forms of care is given to women and children victims of violence , given the many women and children victims of violence have not got a good service or minimum service as a form of protection for women and children victims of violence. The method is normative research. Base on discussion can be presented , the first, that authority Badung Government in providing service standards for women and children victims of violence. That service standards has been regulated in act Number. 15 of 2013, that is the title of act the Protection of Women and Children Victims of Violence. Second, that the standard services forms of Badung Government have five (5) types of shapes minimum service standards.