Мінеральні ресурси України (Jul 2024)
Substantiation of condition parameters for the calculation of reserves of iron ore deposits to optimize development systems
Basic condition parameters for the calculation of ore deposit reserves, which affect the morphometry of ore deposits and, accordingly, determine the selection of mining systems for ore deposits, have been defined in the article. The optimal choice of condition parameters provides the substantiation of effective systems for baring and extraction of minerals both for open-pit and underground mining objects. The use of non-optimal condition parameters may require partially changing mining systems and reduce economic efficiency indicators in deposits that have been operated for a long period. An example of a rich iron ore deposit, which is developed by underground mining for more than 50 years using several systems – room and pillar mining, has been considered in the article. The deposit is characterized by complex mining-geological and mining-technical conditions, which requires reviewing condition parameters related to factors of this group. Typical condition parameters for iron ore deposits have been determined in the article. An example of the underground iron ore mining, where the mining system has been partially changed due to the presence of small isolated ore bodies, has been analyzed. As an alternative option, condition parameters have been re-evaluated and substantiated, additional parameters have been introduced – minimum ore reserves in isolated ore bodies and minimum commercial content. The implementation of these parameters allowed us not to change the mining system and to improve the ore’s quality. The use of minimal isolated ore bodies’ parameters also reduces losses and mineral contamination compared to project solutions. The substantiation and calculation of additional condition parameters has been provided in the article. According to forecast calculations, this variant of the deposit development will provide greater economic efficiency indicators.