National Journal of Community Medicine (Mar 2012)
Relationship Between Thyroid Profile and Semen Quality
Background: Endogenous hormones are critical to spermatogenesis and maintenance of male reproductive function. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), inhibin B and testosterone all serve important and well-known functions in the male hypothalamopituitary-gonadal axis and male reproduction. However, the potential relationship between other hormones, including thyroid hormones, and semen quality are still not completely understood. Thus in the present study an attempt has been made to report the degree of associations between thyroid hormones and semen quality. Methods: Fifty-five men were recruited from an infertility clinic between August 2010 to May 2011. Fresh semen samples were assessed for quality (concentration, motility and morphology) and the serum levels of Tetraiodothyronine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3), and Thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) were measured. Result & Conclusion: We have found that though men with abnormal semen profile had higher total T3, T4 concentrations and lower TSH concentrations compared to those with normal semen profile, only T4 showed significant increase and further it was found that only total T4 was significantly associated with asthenozoospermia. Further studies and observation are needed on a larger number of patients, to validate the correlation with Thyroid status and to justify the trial of a small dose of anti-thyroid drug in asthenozoospermic patients.