Majallah-i Zanān, Māmā̓ī va Nāzā̓ī-i Īrān (Jun 2017)
IUD in urinary bladder: a case report of endoscopic treatment
Introduction: The intrauterine device (IUD) has been used for years for contraception and is used so far in more than 100 million women. IUD migration into adjacent viscera has been reported, but rarely migrates to the bladder. IUD migration into the bladder can cause stone formation. Many patients are asymptomatic and may have only irritative and obstructive urinary complaints. In this study, a patient is introduced that 10 years after insertion of IUD referred with hematuria and a stone on IUD migrated to bladder was found and improved with endoscopic treatment. Case Report: A 45-year-old woman with recurrent urinary tract infections and a history of gross hematuria referred to the clinic. Patients had a history of IUD insertion about 10 years ago. Abdominal and pelvic sonography revealed a 2×4 cm stone in urinary bladder. The patient undergone cystoscopy and a large stone was observed in the bladder that was quite nearby IUD. Endoscopic lithoclast broke stone and IUD was removed. Conclusion: Presence of irritative urinary symptoms and recurrent urinary tract infections in the women who have a history of IUD insertion, migration of the device to the urinary bladder should be considered. In these cases, Ultrasonography and cystoscopy can help to the diagnosis.