Sociologie Românească (Dec 2004)
Atractivitatea feței feminine. Cercetare comparativă internațională: Italia, Olanda, România
In the present study we have tried to find out if the Romanian students have the same feminine facial attractiveness stereotype as the students in France, Italy and Holland. Also, we examined the relation between the facial attractiveness stereotype and the professions stereotype. The results we obtained on three groups (40 Italians, 102 Dutchmen and 369 Romanians) point out to the uniformity of the feminine facial attractiveness assessment: the preference for an oval shape of the face. We explained this invariant with the aid of the socio-cultural influence on physical attractiveness. On the other hand, our investigation emphasized the existence of the feminine facial attractiveness „halo effect”, meaning that the „what is beautiful is good” stereotype works for the students that took part in our study. In our opinion, this is a stereotype without a „kernel of truth”.