Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Медицинские науки (May 2024)

An adapted method of brushing teeth and a method of teaching oral hygiene skills to patients with sensorineural hearing loss

  • Marina N. Suvorova,
  • Mikhail S. Suvorov

Journal volume & issue
no. 1


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Background. Improving the quality of dental care for patients with sensorineural hearing loss is one of the most important problems in dentistry at present. The special status of patients with sensorineural hearing loss makes this contingent the most defenseless in such an issue as dental education. In this regard, these patients have an unsatisfactory level of hygienic dental knowledge. In addition, they have low motivation to improve their level of knowledge, and also lack motivation to not only maintain, but also strengthen their oral health. Regular and proper oral hygiene ensures 85-90% of dental health. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of using a modern, adapted, proposed by us, method of brushing teeth in patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Materials and methods. To study the effectiveness of our proposed method of brushing teeth, 150 people with varying degrees of hearing loss were selected. A study of dental status was carried out, a questionnaire was carried out, an index assessment of hard dental tissues was carried out, a modern, adapted method of brushing teeth was tested. Results. When analyzing this method of brushing teeth, it was revealed that for patients with sensorineural hearing loss, it is not so much the amount of information that is important, but the amount of information learned with the possibility of its correct implementation in practice. Conclusions. Our research has shown that the adapted method of brushing teeth makes it possible to easily remember information and control the quality of teeth brushing at each stage.
