Data in Brief (Aug 2019)
Data in support of genetic architecture of glucosinolate variations in Brassica napus
The transcriptome-based GWAS approach, Associative Transcriptomics (AT), which was employed to uncover the genetic basis controlling quantitative variation of glucosinolates in Brassica napus vegetative tissues is described. This article includes the phenotypic data of leaf and root glucosinolate (GSL) profiles across a diversity panel of 288 B. napus genotypes, as well as information on population structure and levels of GSLs grouped by crop types. Moreover, data on genetic associations of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and gene expression markers (GEMs) for the major GSL types are presented in detail, while Manhattan plots and QQ plots for the associations of individual GSLs are also included. Root genetic association are supported by differential expression analysis generated from root RNA-seq. For further interpretation and details, please see the related research article entitled ‘Genetic architecture of glucosinolate variation in Brassica napus’ (Kittipol et al., 2019). Keywords: Glucosinolates, Genetic associations, Associative transcriptomics, SNP markers, Gene expression markers, Population structure, Oilseed rape, Brassica napus