Corpus: Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana (Jan 2017)
¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de tribu de “indios amigos”? Política, militarización y parentesco en la tribu de Tripailaf (Pampa y nor-Patagonia, décadas 1860-1880)
The following work tackles the social and political dynamics in tribes of “indios amigos”, during the state organization in Pampa and North-Patagonia in the second half of the 19th century. In order to do so, the manuscript analyzed the tribe of Ramón Tripailaf throughout three decades. The inquiry lines refer to: the political leadership, their connections with the kinship relationships, the incidence of the state’s intervention and the role of the social and political community of “capitanejos”, soldiers and “chusma”, all that in the increasingly unfavorable contexts at the frontiers.