MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)

Operational risk analysis with Fuzzy FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) approach (Case study: Optimus Creative Bandung)

  • Immawan Taufiq,
  • Sutrisno Wahyudhi,
  • Rachman Annisa Kamilia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 154
p. 01084


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Industrial development in Indonesia, manufacturing and services, are required to be able to manage the company very well. However, in practice, the company’s activities are always faced with risks. In general, the risk can be defined as a situation faced by a person or a company in which there is a possibility that harm. The level of risk faced losses due to highly variable depending on the cause and effect influence. To be able to manage (risk management), it can use FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). FMEA is a method of analyzing potential failure are applied in product development, system engineering and operational management and is one of a qualitative risk assessment. Using FMEA can also note the value of the RPN (Risk Priority Number) to determine improvement priorities at risk. But there are weaknesses in the use of FMEA, namely RPN calculation is only done by multiplying the severity, occurence and detection alone and irrespective of the degree of importance of each input, to the FMEA method is integrated using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy FMEA is aimed at obtaining the highest fuzzyRPN value which will be used as the focus of improvements to minimize the possibility of these risks occur back. The results were obtained 7 out of 18 types of risks that have a high priority for repairs. Risk troublesome computer (hank / die) while doing photo editing scored the highest RPN 540 (scale 1-1000) and also the highest FRPN 9 (scale 1-10). There is a difference in value between RPN and FRPN. FRPN value obtained from the fuzzification, generate value by taking into account the degree of interest of any given input.