تاریخ اسلام (Aug 2021)
Ideological Views of Sharfolddin Yazdi in the Historiography of Zafarnameh
A historian usually investigates the historical events in his own viewpoint and the historical events give their meaning based on the importance given by the historian. The present article is to study the views pertaining to the history, historiography, the constructive elements of this kind of view in Zafarnameh and the how of ideological views affecting the historiography of Sharfoldin Yazdi who supported the political legitimacy of Timor (771-807 After Hijrah). The result of this research, done with the analytical-descriptive approach, clarifies that Sharafoddin Yazdi is so bounded with the ideas imposed or dictated to him that any doubt in them is interpreted as deviation from the fact and it is not acceptable. Relying on the beliefs such as shadow of God and divine providence, Yazdi justifies all the actions of Timor as the corroborative of religion and consequently Zafarnameh resembles a book of Jihad due to the explanation of wars and military history