Review of Artistic Education (Jun 2021)

Performance in Sports and Art. The Beginnings

  • Leșe Ana-Cristina,
  • Minea Raluca,
  • Armencia Adina Ioana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 1
pp. 164 – 170


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Performance or show is one of the phenomena that characterizes our society since antiquity to nowadays and we make reference to: theater, music, sports, politics and more. We will approach performance also in sports and art, because this word has its origin in this area. According to the explanatory dictionary, performance represents a set of elements, things, facts which recall our attention, make an impression and provoke reactions. A show can surprise, intrigue, monopolizes and creates a kind of beneficial addiction. And this can only be in favor of a society in a constant search for “strong” sensations. A show in the field of sports or art is a good attempt to direct the spectators towards a better perception of reality. The involvement of society as for creation and continuous development of the phenomenon called “show” reveals people’s need for palpable human and beautiful sensations.
