Musas (Jul 2018)
Procreación consciente: de la maternidad natural a la maternidad responsable (editorial)
The notion of conscious and responsible procreation was coined by neo-Malthusianism as a demographic reflection on the consequences of human reproduction considered as a natural phenomenon and linked, exclusively, to the cycle of life. It was an approach that arose in a context of scant resources that resulting from an uncontrolled growth of the population. A few years later, feminist movements and the idea of women’s emancipation emerged, vindicating their capacity for decision in the face of marriage and motherhood and raising the right of women to a conscious and chosen motherhood. Today, in the Western context, having a child has become a conscious act of personal choice and fulfillment, losing this idea of «natural motherhood», which is now conceptualized in the social fabric bearing ethical and political implications. Conscious motherhood and fatherhood also becomes responsible motherhood and fatherhood.