Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (Dec 1998)
Still in an environmental education curriculum research story
The Environmental Education Curriculum Initiative (EECI) in partnership with the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) are currently supporting and facilitating a national environmental education curriculum research project. The project was initiated in response to the perceived need for environmental educators in South Africa to engage in a collaborative research process to further our understanding and practice of environmental education curriculum development and research. Although the research process is still unfolding, as co-ordinator of the project I felt that it might prove useful to pause and to reflect on the research project and the broader context within which it is located. As I am part of the collaborative process my impressions are but a single frame in a broader unfolding research story. The purpose of this paper is to initiate critical discussion on the extent to which the HSRC-EECI research project is able to support and offer new perspectives on environmental education research processes within South Africa.