Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Jan 2010)
Physical effects of the sports concentrations in judokas in school ages
The objectives of this study were to analyze the burden of training and competition developed in a concentration of the national team, describe the physical effects involved in judokas and whether differences between sexes. The sample included 29 judokas adolescents (15 girls and 14 boys) of 15.2 ± 0.9 years on average. Two tests were performed before and after the merger, which followed the same testing protocol: weight, height, flexibility «sit and reach» and «finger-floor», CMJ and isometric force manual. The results show that the total training time was 50700 sec mat (approx. 14 hours) dividid into 6 sessions. The variables affected by the physical training load were developed body weight and flexibility isquiosural, which increased significantly only in girls when the concentration (p <0.05), without showing physical changes in boys. Therefore, there is a good guide to the concentration of work, no amount of training that involves an in overcharging judokas adolescents.