Lingua Cultura (Nov 2009)
Similarity and Differences of the Concubine Character in the Novel Wives and Concubines and the Earth of Mankind
Wives and Concubines and The Earth of Mankind showed us a situation where women is treated as animals and sold to a man. The moral standard of being concubine is to obey her master. In The Earth of Mankind, Nyai Ontosoroh took us to see her transformation process from a woman who obeyed her master into her master became dependant on her. And, on the contrary in Wives and Concubine, Song Lian, from a woman who protected her dignity changed into losing her personality in order to get the love from the master. Nyai Ontosoroh from a weak woman changed into powerful woman, but Song Lian from quite powerful changed into a woman with mental disorder. Nyai Ontosoroh’s transformation happened because she grasped a good opportunity to study new knowledge, western civilization and modernization. And Song Lian had new-style education but has not experienced self-awakening yet, did not have the concept of “earning your own living”, she did not have courage to step on a new path.