Biologica Nyssana (Dec 2010)

Possibilities for production and application of native Cyclamen neapolitanum in landscape architecture and horticulture

  • Lazarević, J.,
  • Lazarević, S.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1-2
pp. 105 – 109


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Cyclamen neapolitanum Ten is autochthonous in Montenegro and Serbia in wide range of habitats, from Mediterranean-seaside, to sub Mediterranean and mountain ones, where it grows on fresh, porous soils, rich in humus and carbonates. It is perennial hardy herbaceous plant with underground tuber, which goes in dormancy trough the period of physical drought. C. neapolitanum flourishes during the autumn, forming after near ground rosette of leaves, which lasts to the next summer, so it is extraordinary suitable for perennials, especially alpinums, individual green areas and also for vertical greening of buildings (balconies, terraces). Reproduction is generative. Generative reproduction of C. neapolitanum was examined with seed collected in Gorica (Podgorica, MNE), Petrovac (MNE), and Palojce (Grdelicka George, Serbia). Two different artificial substrates were used, as well as classical technologies of plant production with single seed sowing in tresset pots, which were later used to transplantation. Seed germination was high (more then 85%), for the seeds originated from all three localities, and also in both of substrates. Further loses in plant production were not evident, and development of seedlings as well as transplanted plants, was good. Based on conducted experiments, here are given the proposals for economical commercial production, and also for cultivation of plants on green areas.
