European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Feb 2018)
Higher-curvature corrections to holographic entanglement with momentum dissipation
Abstract We study the effects of Gauss–Bonnet corrections on some nonlocal probes (entanglement entropy, n-partite information and Wilson loop) in the holographic model with momentum relaxation. Higher-curvature terms as well as scalar fields make in fact nontrivial corrections to the coefficient of the universal term in entanglement entropy. We use holographic methods to study such corrections. Moreover, holographic calculation indicates that mutual and tripartite information undergo a transition beyond which they identically change their values. We find that the behavior of the transition curves depends on the sign of the Gauss–Bonnet coupling $$\lambda $$ λ . The transition for $$\lambda >0$$ λ>0 takes place in larger separation of subsystems than that of $$\lambda <0$$ λ<0 . Finally, we examine the behavior of modified part of the force between external point-like objects as a function of Gauss–Bonnet coupling and its sign.