Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski (Dec 2021)
Polsko-ukraińskie związki mieszane w Przemyślu według greckokatolickich rejestrów zapowiedzi przedślubnych z lat 1913–1924
The base research source for the article are the registers of premarital announcements from the years 1913–1924. It contained 1296 register of engaged couples, nearly half of which were exogemic (mixed denominations), mostly Polish-Ukrainian. The mentioned registered are (for the most part) comparable. The personal data of the couples and their parents, place and date of birth, place of inhabitancy and religion and specific denomination. They alsocontain links and summaries of different documents and certificates produced by the eparchial curia. The contents are richer than the later marital books. They register in detail the state of mixed relationships in statu nascendi, at the moment of their forming, making preparations for the wed-ding and gathering the needed documentation and taking the vow among witnesses, along with the signature on the document. The personal range is also much wider, because the registers also contained mentions of engagements that were cancelled and couples, that received the sacrament in the temple of the female bethrothed, in the Roman Catholic denomination. The books present the social and religious phenomenon in the form of mixed Polish-Ukrainian marriages in the frontier territories of the Rzeczpospolita.