Moderna Språk (Dec 2006)

Reviews and notices

  • Per Lindblad,
  • Ulf Cronquist,
  • Arne Olofsson,
  • Ronald Paul,
  • Sigrid Dentler,
  • Ann-Mari Gunnesson

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 100, no. 2


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Includes the following reviews: p. 361-363. Per Lindblad. Silverman, D. A critical Introduction to Phonolgy. p. 364-366. Ulf Cronquist. Tomasello, M. Constructing a Language. A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. p. 366-369. Arne Olofsson. Leech, G. A Glossary of English Grammar. p. 369-370. Ronald Paul. O'Hearn, D. Bobby Sands: Nothing but an Unfinished Song. p. 371-375. Sigrid Dentler. Rosén, CH. "Warum klingt des nicht deutsch?" - Probleme der Informations-strukturierung in deutschen Texten schwedischer Shüler und Studenten. p. 375-376. Ann-Mari Gunnesson. Sanaker, J. K. Holter, K. & Skattum, I. (2006) La francophonie - une introduction critique.