Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiinte Economice (Jun 2013)
The general problem of the economy, respectively the people's concern to choose, prioritize and use available resources so as to satisfy their needs in an increasing manner is a constant of society development, being present in all times and all places. Solving this problem requires the appropriate answers to lots of questions, the most important of them regarding the volume and structure of production to be created, the technologies used for this purpose, resource consumption per effect unit, but also the consequences for the natural environment, the distribution of economic activity outcomes, etc. Sustainable development is an urgent problem of mankind, a vital process, which realization aims to create the general conditions for the progress of mankind. The evolution of national economy corresponding to the principle coordinates of sustainable development involves, of course, knowing the internal conditions and the location of the economy in the general international context. The new vision of sustainable development implies also the development of new strategies for balanced distribution of income and wealth at a worldwide level, a superior social order - which is interested in the life of future generations as much as that of present generations and that focuses more on the planet and human health.