Vojnosanitetski Pregled (Jan 2006)

Analysis of the use and adverse effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: A pilot study

  • Perić Aneta,
  • Toskić-Radojičić Marija

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 63, no. 3
pp. 271 – 277


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Background/Aim. The use and adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in outpatients with rheumatic diseases has not yet been studied enough. The aim of this study was to evaluate the data about the efficacy and safety of NSAIDs obtained from the questionnaires submitted to the outpatients receiving these drugs. Methods. The patients who had been prescribed any of NSAIDs within the period from June to September, 2004 were included in the study. The answers obtained from the questionnaires were statistically analyzed by means of χ2-test. Results. At the time of the study, 150 patients had been prescribed ibuprofen or some other NSAID. Out of the total number of dispensed questionnaires (n = 150), only 45 (30%) were shown to be correctly filled-in. Their analysis showed that 64.4% of the patients had suffered from rheumatic diseases for more than five years, and had regularly used NSAIDs. The average age of these patients was about 70 years, and the number of females was double as high as that of the males. The most frequently used NSAIDs were diclofenac and ibuprofen (46.14%, and 23.24%, respectively). According to the answers given by the patients, the most often adverse reactions were gastric complaints such as nausea (11.1%), and stomach pain (8.9%). Due to this, the majority of the patients (64.4%) used some of the antiulcer drugs, most often ranitidine (31.1%). Conclusion. The results of this pilot study revealed that among the outpatients suffering from rheumatic diseases, the number of females was double as high as the number of males, that these patients were of the mean age of 70 years, and that their diseases lasted longer than five years. Gastric complains such as nausea and gastric pain of mild intensity were the most often adverse effects of NSAIDs reported by our patients. It could be the consequence of the predominant use of diclofenac and ibuprofen, NSAIDs with mild to moderate ulcerogenic potential, as well as the concomitant use of H2-receptor antagonists.
