Pediatria Polska (Dec 2021)

Facial nerve palsy in the course of herpes zoster infection – challenges in the treatment and prognosis

  • Maja Pietrzak,
  • Maria Śpiewak-Pokorska,
  • Magdalena Pluta,
  • Magdalena Marczyńska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 96, no. 4
pp. 275 – 280


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Facial nerve palsy occurs in paediatric population with the incidence of 4.2-15.3/100 000. In most cases etiology remains unknown (Bell’s palsy – idiopathic facial nerve palsy). Infectious agents account for around 25% of cases. This paper describes 2 cases of facial nerve palsy due to herpes zoster infection: a 9-year-old girl with vesicular lesions on the right side of the neck and face with concomitant right sided facial nerve palsy, and a 16-year-old boy* with lesions located in the left external auditory meatus who developed Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. The course of the disease and response to treatment in both patients was significantly different.
