Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme (May 2023)
Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services Using Socio-drama Techniques to Reduce Acts of Discrimination in High School Students
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group guidance services with socio-drama techniques to reduce acts of discrimination in Al-Washliyah 22 Medan high school students. The research approach is Quantitative, with the type of research using a Quasi-Experimental Design with treatment in the form of socio-drama conducted six times a meeting. The study population was the X-grade students of SMA Al-Washliyah 22 Medan totaling 2 study groups of X MIA majors, Class A 32 and Class B 32. Sampling was done by purposive sampling consisting of Class A 8 students and Class B 7 students. Techniques used in data collection using Experiments are conducted under controlled conditions and often involve a control group. The data analysis method used is paired sample t-test to test the hypothesis of the average of two samples and to find out if there is a difference before and after the treatment. In the paired sample t-test test, if the sig. 2 two-tailed value is 0.05>, the sig. Two-tailed value means there is a difference, and if the sig. Two-tailed value> 0.05 means there is no difference. 2-tailed value of 0.000 0.05 in the control class, which means a difference in the average decrease in student discrimination in the experimental class. Group guidance services with socio-drama techniques effectively reduce discrimination among high school students.