The Open Journal of Astrophysics (May 2022)
The Impact of Quadratic Biases on Cosmic Shear
In this paper we revisit potential biases in cosmic shear power spectra caused by bias terms that multiply up to quadratic powers of the shear. Expanding the multiplicative bias field as a series of independent spin-$s$ fields we find terms $m_s$ that multiply integer and half-integer powers of the shear. We propagate these biases into shape measurement statistics and the cosmic shear power spectrum. We find that such biases can be measured by performing regression on calibration data. We find that for integer powers of shear the impact of quadratic order terms on the power spectrum is an additional bispectrum dependency; ignoring quadratic terms can lead to biases in cosmological parameters of up to $2(m_2+m_{-2}-m_6)0.4\sigma$ for Stage-IV dark energy experiments, but that the susceptibility to them can be decreased by using methods to remove small-scale sensitivity. We also find, for half-integer powers of the shear that, for a Stage-IV experiment, biases are required to be known to better than approximately $\sigma[m^R_0+15(m^R_1+m^R_3)+0.1(m^R_{-1}+m^R_5)]\leq 0.01$. In future, Stage-IV dark energy experiments should seek to measure and minimise such all such bias terms.