Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Jul 2015)
Specialty preference and influencing factors for post graduate specialty selection of medical students: a study conducted in west zone of India
Background: The choice and interest of medical students determine availability of specialists in country in future. Therefore it is important to understand factors which influences their specialty selection to make adequate number of specialist available in health care system. By influencing these factors misdistribution of specialists in society can be prevented. Objective of the study: To study preference and influencing factors for specialty selection of medical students. Material & Method: Study was conducted in medical students. Subjects were given predesigned objective questionnaire regarding their choice of specialties. The questionnaire also contain factor influencing their decision for particular specialty. Choice of specialty analyzed in both gender. Data was compiled, analyzed and presented as percentage. Result and Conclusion: Male students are more interested in specialties of surgical work while female students are more interested in specialties having bed side work. Good income potential have more influence in male students. Students also justify for quality of family life parallel with economy. Settlement in city is equally important for both genders. Social prestige is also important factor for selecting specialty. Government and policy makers can attract students in required specialty by proper policies.