Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Mar 2014)
Mainteinance stage of cardiac rehabilitaction. Charcateristics
The objectives, methodology and types of patients that should be incorporated to the maintenance stage of cardiac rehabilitation were analyzed. Emphasis was made on its importance secondary prevention in cases of ischemic heart disease. Those measure propitiating favorable changes of life style as well as the role they play, together with the drugs used in the cases with dyslipoproteinemia, in the limitation of the progression of coronary arterioclerosis are shown. It was also stressed the significations of fulfilling the fundamental principles of physical training in cardiopaths in order to reach an optimal physical capacity that would be determined by the demographic and clinical characteristics of each case. Patients that were excluded from physical exercises before are now included in the present programs of rehabilitation. Emphasis was made on the fact that a prolonged participation in the programs of rehabilitation and secondary pre vention was a key factor for succes. in our center, 66 % of the patients who suffered from infarction took part in this program last year. It was concluded taht these prolonged programs improved the quality of life, the reincorporation to work and productivity, as well as mortality and morbidity from ischemic heart disease, showing a favorable cost-effectiveness relationship.