Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (Oct 2016)

Perfection of physical fitness of lyceum with advanced military physical training pupils by means of sports wrestling

  • L.M. Balushka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 5


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Purpose: to theoretically-methodically substantiated application of sport wrestling means in physical training of lyceum with advanced military physical training pupils. Material: in pedagogic observation 10 form pupils (n=119) participated. In pedagogic experiment 49 pupils participated (experimental group, n=24 and control group, n=25). Results: the weakest points of lyceum’s pupils were found. Experimental program combined common means of physical qualities’ training (70% from total time of lesson) and means of sport wrestling (30% of lesson time). In the frames of the program four typical complexes of exercises for physical culture lessons were worked out. Complex of exercises for wrestler’s general physical fitness was applied in main part of lesson, which took 15-20 minutes. Conclusions: wrestler’s physical training shall be oriented on development of different physical qualities: strength, quickness, endurance, flexibility, coordination. Optimal construction of general physical training process facilitates comprehensive and proportional development of pupil’s physical qualities.
