Nursing Open (Nov 2020)

Adaptation and validation of the evidence‐based practice beliefs and implementation scales into German

  • Emmanuelle Kerwien‐Jacquier,
  • Henk Verloo,
  • Filipa Pereira,
  • Karin Anne Peter

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 6
pp. 1997 – 2008


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Abstract Aims To culturally adapt and translate the Evidence‐Based Practice Belief Scale (EBP‐B) and the Evidence‐Based Practice Implementation Scale (EBP‐I), explore the psychometric properties of their validated German versions and compare results with those of the original scales. Design Cross‐sectional descriptive study. Method The study was conducted on a sample of 131 Registered Nurses in a Swiss German hospital. Internal consistency was rated using Cronbach's alpha. Principal component analysis using varimax rotation was used to determine construct validity. The study was undertaken in accordance with the STROBE‐checklist in Appendix S1. Results German versions of the EBP‐B and EBP‐I showed good reliability. Their Cronbach alphas showed lower values than those of the original scales. Principal component analysis showed medium‐to‐high factor loading. Principal component analyses using varimax rotations of the EBP‐B's 16 items and the EBP‐I's 17 items resulted in four‐factor and five‐factor solutions, respectively.
