Remote Sensing (Jul 2015)
Toward Sentinel-2 High Resolution Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Very Turbid Waters: SPOT4 (Take5) Experiment in the Loire and Gironde Estuaries
At the end of the SPOT4 mission, a four-month experiment was conducted in 2013 to acquire high spatial (20 m) and high temporal (5 days) resolution satellite data. In addition to the SPOT4 (Take5) dataset, we used several Landsat5, 7, 8 images to document the variations in suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration in the turbid Gironde and Loire estuaries (France). Satellite-derived SPM concentration was validated using automated in situ turbidity measurements from two monitoring networks. The combination of a multi-temporal atmospheric correction method with a near-infrared to visible reflectance band ratio made it possible to quantify SPM surface concentration in moderately to extremely turbid waters (38–4320 g·m−3), at an accuracy sufficient to detect the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) in both estuaries. Such a multi-sensor approach can be applied to high spatial resolution satellite archives and to the new ESA Sentinel-2 mission. It offers a promising framework to study the response of estuarine ecosystems to global changes at unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution.