Revista Vasca de Administración Pública (Apr 2020)
Actos y disposiciones de las Juntas Generales, ¿se sitúan al margen del control contencioso-administrativo?
Facing the interpretation that the 1st additional provision of Law 29/1998 only submit ¿the acts and provisions in matters of personnel and property management subject to public law adopted by the General Assemblies of the Historical Territories¿ to contentious control, it is upheld that all acts or agreements ¿parliamentary or administrative¿ of the General Assemblies, which cause legal effects, are subject to contentious-administrative jurisdictional control. And all the provisions approved by the General Assemblies are controllable before the same jurisdiction, although in the case of the Fiscal Foral Rules their control will be shared between the contentious and the constitutional jurisdiction, in the interpretive terms established by the 3rd legal basis (FJ) of the Constitutional Court Judgment (STC) 118/2016.