TeMA: Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment (Aug 2020)
Strategies and guidelines for urban sustainability: the Covid-19 effects on the mobility system in Italy
The emergency at COVID-19 has changed the face of our cities, preventing most urban activities, limiting travel on large, medium and short distances and drastically reducing the number and intensity of social relationships. The organization of the built environment, combined with the characteristics of the pedestrian network, has taken on greater weight in relation to the restrictive measures that COVID-19 has imposed on entire populations. Social distancing, the limitations of movements allowed almost exclusively for the achievement of the services identified as essential, together with the ban on carrying out certain activities, on the one hand have changed people's living habits and on the other have revealed the need to reorganize quickly the network of canals and open spaces to adapt them to the current emergency situation, but probably also to the conditions of a "different normal". Local decision makers are faced with a new demand for mobility and accessibility by moving in completely unexplored waters.