Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2008)

大學生對新聞資訊的詮釋研究 Toward an Understanding of Undergraduate Students’ Interpretation of News

  • Nei-Ching Yeh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 45, no. 4
pp. 443 – 460


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鑑於資訊詮釋與資訊設計息息相關,本研究試圖了解大學生與新聞資訊的互動現象,期望研究結果有助於在系統或文本資訊設計時,由使用者角度出發,或以使用者需求和偏好包裝資訊,以達到與使用者或閱讀者溝通的最大效益。本研究以接收分析理論、詮釋學的教化、共通感及詮釋社群等概念為研究架構,採用質性研究設計法,應用大聲思考法和深度訪談法等工具,於2006年12月至2007年2月間蒐集12位受訪者資料。本研究發現:相關、聯想、傳統、教化、共通感、詮釋社群和權威等概念,可用以理解大學生的新聞資訊詮釋。大學生在閱讀並與新聞資訊的對話互動,可概念化為:直覺式回應和延遲性回應兩大特色。大學生在詮釋資訊是採用下列三個原則:直覺認知與情緒反射、價值判斷和移情式的詮釋與推理。This article focuses on the probing of undergraduates’ interpretation activities of news in Taiwan. Receiving theory, and the concepts of pre-understand, enlightenment, and interpretative community constitute a conceptual framework of this study. This research is an explorative study, and applies the qualitative research approach. The methods of thinking aloud and deep interview are used to collect data during the periods of December 2006 to February 2007. In total, there are 12 interviewees; four men and eight women. Ten participants are grade three, and two are grade four. The saturation theory decides when to stop the work of data collection. This study adopts methods of the “hermeneutic circle” and “double hermeneutic” to analyze data. The results indicate that undergraduates’ interpretations of the news are multi-dynamic, participants’pre-understandings, personal experiences, attitudes, and the influences of the media, as well as the social norms, are reflected by their interpretative activities. This paper also discusses the difference between the findings of this study, theory, and concepts which guide this research to propose a model about undergraduates’news interpretative activities.
