Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Sep 2023)
Determination of k0 factors of short-lived nuclides 46mSc and 110Ag for the k0-NAA
The k0-standardization neutron activation analysis method has successfully determined the mass fraction of elements of interest using around a hundred analytical radionuclides. However, several very short-lived nuclides with half-life less than 100 s have not been used at Dalat research reactor. One of the reasons is that the values of k0-factors of these nuclides are significantly different. Therefore, this work focused on re-determination and evaluation of k0-factors of very short-lived nuclides 110Ag (T1/2 = 24 s) and 46mSc (T1/2 = 18.75 s). The results of determination of the short-lived nuclides revealed that k0-factor of 110Ag is significantly difference between the existing data and the obtained results in this work. The evaluation of the k0-factors was done by using the obtained results for application of k0-NAA for NIST-1566b and NIST-2711A standard reference materials.