Antarctic Record (Dec 2010)
Progress of "Study on Polar Atmospheric Circulation and Material Cycle"
An overview is given of the project of the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) "Study of Material Cycle in the Polar Atmosphere, Ocean and Cryosphere". Most of the subjects in the study had been conducted under related observational projects in the Antarctic, "Atmospheric circulation and material cycle in the Antarctic" (FY1996-2000), "Global Atmospheric Change in the Antarctic" (FY2001-2005), priority research project "Study on the Global Environmental System with the Interactions between Space, Atmosphere and Ocean", monitoring study on "Atmospheric Minor Constituents", observations in the Arctic, and analysis studies. Reviewing these 15 years of study and related projects, we find that the study revealed progress in understanding the "polar atmospheric circulation and material cycle". Even though each study or paper showed only one part of the variation of single atmospheric constituent, as a whole, we gained good understanding of features of the "polar atmospheric circulation and material cycle".