نشریه پرستاری ایران (Apr 1995)

Clinical education and its problems

  • Salemi, S

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 10
pp. 29 – 31


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There are two strategies that increasing skill of nursing students: heuristic method and concept map. These methods correlate theoretical and operational lessons effectively. Different researches and experiments showed that students, who have educated with these methods, have more ability to attain skills than the other students. This subject is not a novel idea. Even Tyler has applied this theory from 1949. American nursing association has confirmed and supported this theory in 1987 because believed that it elevate scientific level of students. Also, different researches indicated that students, who educated with this method, enjoy true nursing skills. Yura & et al. (1986) confirmed and supported this theory. They believed that when student find method of patient’s care and know reasons of every work, she/he has found precise and stable method for enhancement of her/his knowledge and skill quality.
