Preventive Medicine Reports (Dec 2017)
Gardening and age-related weight gain: Results from a cross-sectional survey of Denver residents
This study examined whether gardening modifies the association between age and body mass index (BMI). We used data from the Neighborhood Environments and Health Survey, which was conducted in Denver (N=469) between 2006 and 2007. We fit two general linear mixed models. The base model had BMI in kg/m2 as the outcome, and age, an indicator variable for non-gardening status and the age-by-non-gardening status interaction as predictors. The adjusted model included as covariates the potential confounders of education, ethnicity and self-reported health. We assessed self-selection bias and confounding. BMI was 27.18kg/m2 for non-gardeners, 25.62kg/m2 for home gardeners, and 24.17kg/m2 for community gardeners. In the base model, a statistically significant association was observed between age and BMI for non-gardeners but not for the combined community and home gardening group (F=9.27, ndf=1, ddf=441, p=0.0025). In the adjusted model, the association between age and BMI in non-gardeners was not statistically significant (F=1.72, ndf=1, ddf=431, p=0.1908). Gardeners differed on social and demographic factors when compared to non-gardeners. The results from the base model are consistent with the hypothesis that gardening might offset age-related weight gain. However, the cross-sectional design does not permit differentiation of true causal effects from the possible effects of bias and confounding. As a follow-up study, to remove bias and confounding, we are conducting a randomized clinical trial of community gardening in Denver. Keywords: Community gardens, Body mass index, Obesity, Neighborhoods, Community-based interventions, Place-based