Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (Jun 2024)
Toposequence: What are we talking about?
ABSTRACT The term toposequence, proposed to designate a lateral succession of soils on a slope due to the influence of topography, began to be used differently over time, distancing itself from its original concept. Here, we discuss how this concept has been used since its inception. We carried out bibliometric analyses of publications in the database available on the Web of Science since 1900. Three main approaches and related concepts, explicit or not, one at a regional scale and two others at a local scale were identified. From this analysis, we suggest: a) when the approach is regional, the term geomorphic surface or position in the landscape should be used to address the spatial distribution and genetic implications of soils at this scale; b) when dealing with series/sequences of soils on slopes for mapping purposes or discontinuous profiles that emphasize taxonomic classification, the term catena should be used; c) when the determining factor of the soil sequence is climatic, biotic, lithological, chronological, the corresponding term climo-, bio-, litho- or chronosequence should be used; d) when dealing with a lateral succession of horizons in the continuum on slopes, resulting from the influence of topography on soil formation, which may reflect the soil contribution to the model evolution, only in this case should the term toposequence be used, returning to its original concept.